Friday, February 15, 2013

How to paint with glow sticks

Step one: Find a friend who is willing to strap glowsticks onto themselves and jump on a trampoline.

Step two: Get a tripod or flat surface to prop your camera on. The camera has to remain perfectly steady for about half a minute or more. No touching it! 

Step three: Find the "Bulb" setting on your camera, or choose a long shutter speed. (I found that 25 seconds worked great for this) 

Step Four: Ask your friend start jumping, and hit the button on your camera to take a picture. The shutter will remain open for however long you set it, effectively burning the light trails into your camera. 

Step Five: Enjoy the results!! 

Friday, January 11, 2013

1. My goal from now on is to carry my camera around more frequently so that I can capture all of the little moments that I always regret missing when I'm not toting my camera around.

2. Today is the last weekday of Christmas break. NKU actually got 4 weeks off this year, so now I really do feel relaxed and ready to go back. Hopefully the feeling lasts!

3. Being listed as "Single" on facebook cracks me up. I'm always getting ads for dating websites, motherhood, convents, etc. It's almost like facebook is more concerned about my vocation than I am right now. Here are a few that have popped up recently:

I'm not sure where the LDS ones came from, as I am Catholic. 

4. My Grandparents gave me this amazing book as a gift, and I can't put it down. There are so many cool photographs inside!

5. It's only January, and I'm already getting anxious for outdoor concerts, baseball games, swimming, and just being outside in the sun. I am, however, still enjoying hoodie season.

6. I'm heating up a can of skyline chili for dinner tonight. Mmmm delicious :)

7. Recently I've been getting burned out easily while working out, and I finally decided it's because I'm getting bored of the same old play list on my ipod. So I started 'quick mixing' metal, punk, pop, Disney, and oldies on my Pandora station. I know it's silly, but it really does help!